Do we need religiously homogeneous Nations around the world? – II

Our country is and has been the largest working democracy in the world for last 60 years. That is quite a feat to achieve. What has made that possible? Very few people can claim to know the answer to that. I am surely not the one of those. However, I can attempt to put forth a theory.

What makes a sour relationship (between father and son, husband and wife, two siblings, or two business partners) last for decades; something that we witness quite often in our country. The answer is quite simple, interdependence. Only those relationships can last for decades in spite of constant bitterness that have some value on both ends that is of mutual benefit for the two participants. A rich father might be a boon for a jobless yet obedient son. A high salaried husband with a pot-belly might consider himself lucky to have a stunningly beautiful wife even if she lacks the home making abilities. Likewise, the Republic of India has been living in one such interdependent relationship, between believers and non-believers, haves and have-nots, industrialists and workers, politicians and citizens and there are millions of more such micro-relationships that form the bigger relationship between the nation and the nationals.

Now that I have drawn such a profound yet incomprehensible analogy, I can leave it open to interpretation of my readers (as an attempt to claim greatness for being abstract) or start explaining each and every word (in condescension), either way there is a relationship that is being exploited by one party more than the other. Without much-a-do I should inform you that this post is not as concrete as its prequel. I am not going to point fingers to this and that and start criticizing and/or praising things that are good or bad with our Nation.

This post is a step in the process of waking-up the monster; the monster that is India. A thinking India. A perceptive India. A wise and vigorous India. The politicians of this nation are like a viruses that renders the entire body of their host nonfunctional yet healthy enough to support their (viruses) growth. They have been living in our nervous system, hampering our ability to come together as a mass of thinking, feeling, reciprocating individuals that share pride in building their nation rather than crying over its slow and steady death.

The party that has ruled our country for the longest time has done nothing but carried forward the same system of divide and rule that British had employed to rule the world. This country has see division based on Region, Religion, Caste, Economic Status, Geography, Natural Resources, Language and Development. All parties that emerged afterward unfortunately learned the same tricks and found out newer ingenious ways of dividing the country. The first division was based on religion; Hindu-Muslim disparity lead to geographic division of this country into three parts, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh.

After that economic and caste based divide was deployed, using reservation as the key for making one section of people stand apart from the rest and therefore causing unrest in the Nation. A country that has just come out of imperialist oppression is bound to have a larger section of society not doing well economically. Especially with our National leaders making people believe that living for themselves was the most selfish and lowly way of life, tricking them into giving up all their belongings as a sign of solidarity, what was left in this country was pure and unadulterated poverty. This was used to divide people in economic sections: High Class, Middle Class and Lower Class. Thus began the economic divide and consternation between the classes. Even today when we read movie reviews, the critics don’t forget to remind you whether the movie is for the classes or the masses. The divide has been so deeply ingrained in our genes, our existence that we keep reinforcing it without conscious knowledge.

Regional breakup started in late 90s, and is fast becoming a political trend for all the parties, newbies or experienced, to gain vote banks. Ironically, our naive nation of 1 billion fails to understand once again, that they are considered nothing but vote banks by the politicians. Uttaranchal, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh are some unforgettable gifts our brilliant politicians have given us in last 60 years. And now Kashmir, Telangana and some of the North-Eastern states are already ptiching in for an independent status. I am sure that we will soon be a country with 1200 states, and we will need special permissions to travel from one state to another, whether it is tourism, education, job or property we are seeking. Be assured that poeple who are dividing us in order to rule are simply inept in ruling. They wil just divide, divide and divide us further until nothing is left to rule.

Coming back to the interdependence that I had talked about in the begining, as the cause for a sour relationship to survive tests of time. Now what exactly was I trying to state and how is all this rambling in between related to that. The answer is simple. Our nation lives on Hope. Pure and unadulterated hope that things will be better tomorrow and that somebody will do something to make things better. Like Gandhi and Nehru once promised, like Indira and Rajiv tried to demonstrate (and failed, uh! that we don’t like to remember, do we?) and like Vajpayee tried to establish but was too old to take it all the way to the finish line. We are a nation with hope but no plan of action. No alternatives of our own. No second choice. No plan B.

We don’t need a religiously homogeneous state to become a developed and progressive Nation. We don’t need an icon who sways us off our feet on false promises. We don’t need somebody to say that things will be alright. What we need is faith in ourselves and desire to be accountable for our Nation’s future. We need to ask questions, sound and intelligent questions, and shouldn’t rest until we find our answers. We need to challenge the unknown territories and explore possibilities for moving ahead. We need to stop believing in humans that want to be our Gods. We need to be our own Gods and grant wishes to ourselves. We should promise each other and ourselves that we will not sit down and rest until we have changed the destiny of this nation with our own hands. We will work hard and work without appreciation or reward if that is what it takes to build a developed nation. We will focus on issues that affect the future of our children. We will establish a safe and secure country, where every crime and criminal is brought to justice. We will be honest in our efforts and stand guard to the pride of our nation. We will not just die for our country, but die hard to make it shine, like it used to once.

My fellows country men, for once stop asking “What the country, or the politicians, or the parents, or the neighbours can do for you?” Ask, “what you can do for all of them?”

Do we want religiously homogeneous Nations around the world?

I just now read my post that I have written as a dialogue with myself, and I am so disturbed to realize that there is an unequivocal communal streak in the tone of my voice in that post. I am sure I was very angry while writing that stuff, but I am surprised that I could have been so angered as to lose the perspective I have maintained for most of my life. Thanks to our politicians and their vile, to have created again a situation in our country that made people of two major religious persuasions to be at each others’ necks with the loggerheads. I had almost fallen prey to this malicious political propaganda. Thank God that I didn’t get carried away!

I am a secular! Yes. I don’t mind living with a mix of people, following different sets of religious persuasions and living by their own standards, practices and customs.

However, what I am extremely against is the disregard towards a Nation’s policies and laws. The lack of respect towards the integrity of a country, in the current age of cut throat professional (economic) competition, by the citizens of that country. I recently visited Malaysia and Singapore, both of which regard themselves as Muslim countries. The infrastructure, civic sense and development in these two countries are amazing, given the fact that they are both at least 10 years younger than India (in terms of attaining political independence.)

Now, how can I say that it is a certain religion that comes in the way of development of a Society or a Nation as a whole. That is certainly not the case! These two countries are not only with the largest Muslim proportions in South East Asia, even the cultural and social system (based on whatever I could observe as a tourist) is not as communal or racial as I would have expected it to be (having lived most of my life in India and having been taught to look at the other religious practices only from the corner of my eye, as if they were ready to convert or kill me if I dared to look at them wholeheartedly or if I looked at them and decided to be indifferent.) With more than 70%, 80% or 90% people belonging to the same religion that the whole world is criticizing for encouraging world wide terrorism, these two Nations have come a long way in terms of growth and development. And I heard the natives say more than once (of course I had provoked such a reaction) “We are not racial!”, as an indication that they didn’t subscribe to the much promoted Jihad that militant groups like LeT and Taliban are endorsing.

Masjid on the way to Mutiara Burau Bay Resort

So, what makes people in these countries focus and work towards the growth and development aspects of their Nation. Why would they not spit all over the road as symbol of freedom in a democratic country? You can often hear the cabbies say, “It’s a free country.” What makes them so proud of it and honor the traffic regulations, lane driving and cleanliness requirements of the city life.

Why can’t we, the Indians, have equally clean roads, and by-lanes that don’t stink of urine and human faeces? Why can’t we follow the lane discipline or honor a pedestrians’ right to cross the road, without the fear of being run over? Why can’t we expect our children to walk through the market unattended and return home safe and sound?

It is not that there is no crime in these two countries, of course there is. I recall hearing the Crime Prevention Beureau commercials, requesting the citizens to be attentive and fight crime by following security guidelines. However, a normal family in such countries spends more time planning a picnic to the tourists spots than worrying about the queue for public facilities at the tourist spots that are either hardly usable or way too outnumbered.

A village house in Langkawi
One might say that it is because the people (the majority being that of Muslims) of these two countries don’t feel any threats to their religion and hence have no insecurities. And only because they are safe and secure, they tend to focus more towards the development of the Nation.

I have major objections to such frog-in-the-well mentality. Indian sub-continent has nations that are mostly homogeneous in terms of religious mix of people. Yet, they haven’t managed to follow the growth path as phenomenally as Malaysia and Singapore have. Tourism is widely popular means of earning a living in these two countries and citizens take all the care in maintaining the cleanliness, infrastructure, public transport and other lifelines of a country rather than mutilating them by over use or misuse.

Why then is it so hard for a Nation that so proudly carries a heritage of more than 5 millenniums?

To be continued…

Kashmiri Pandit Youth – Roots In Kashmir

It was the first time I dared to stand in front of State Head’s office and express my disgust towards the corrupt political system that has grown from strength to strength in last so many decades.

Kashmir, my homeland, an integral part of Indian that could never be, has been burning for us Kashmiri Pandits, for last two decades. All of those who fled were better of in their professional lives but lost all the sense of belonging with the place they originate from.

Corrupt politics and irresponsible citizens are both responsible for the status quo in Kashmir. RIK, an initiative by Kashmir Pandits, especially the youth, has been growing in its effort and influence since its inception in year 2006. I proclaimed allegiance to it almost instantly when I heard of it but joined the efforts a few months later, in December 2006, by holding a silent protest at Indira Park, Hyderabad, the officially designate place for any protests by citizens.

On 20th of June, 2008, we came together to express our solidarity with Wandhama Massacre victims who have not received justice even after ten years. Here are some of the snapshots from the local newspapers that cared to give us some print real-estate.

To Have And To Hold

Dusk is consuming the space around,
Silence heard and not a sound,
In the trees, in the grass, and in the sky,
The last signs of life, lie.

Outlines take a stronger define,
Just the silhouettes,and the lines.
Trails of a day, oblivious movements,
Rest, Contemplation and Reassurance.

Waiting eyes, a peaceful smile,
Restless glance spans the miles.
No promises, no expectations,
Just faith and determination.

She holds the light to my arrival,
And I pray for my survival.
Just to be with her one last time,
Hold her close to me, she’s mine.

A need, she doesn’t deny,
Yet doesn’t crave for my,
Embrace, that would mean I am there,
And says “As long as I am in her heart,
She doesn’t care.”

Touch of her skin I do crave,
But there isn’t much you can do,
From the grave.
I wish, I was there.

In Search of Wit…

Why does one turn skeptical? The general belief has it that people who can’t achieve something turn against it and console themselves by negating the need of that thing:

GB Shaw said:

“Those who can, Do; Those who can’t, Teach.”

Not very far from reality. You give it your best shot and you fail. Either because it is a conspiracy against you (so you would like to believe) or your best was not good enough. And then comes the time to find someone to put the blame on. For, things that don’t have a conscience, eventually become the poor victims of our critique. And to what objective, just to prove that they are not worth all the efforts invested in them.

The fun however is to have wit. A sense of humor, in order to detach yourself from the evaluation of a situation. You can’t do it doesn’t mean that no one else should ever try it either. Or that you should yourself never try it again. I tried my hand at a semi-porn fantasy somewhere in this blog and it was appreciated by a handful, though dismissed straightaway by most of my friends who believe I should invest my time in something more meaningful rather than wasting my talent in this apparently useless art of eroticism.

Alexander Pope says in his “Essay on Criticism”,

In the search of wit these(poets) lose their common sense,
And then turn critics in their own defense.

Something that should be avoided as far as possible. Because the actual realization of your efforts is in analyzing why you went wrong, rather than dwelling upon self pity and effacement. You can turn on something as easily as cleaning you bowels when the pressure is great but the real test of character is in holding it back, hanging in there.

So the cowardly remarks like “There is whole world lying in front of you, forget about it.” should be pro-actively discouraged and you should stick to your gun. You never know when you might fire that perfect shot. It’s worth spending the whole life in trying to reach that perfect shot. No one and nothing is more important than that perfect shot of yours that is still there in your head and hasn’t transcended into the physical world yet.

Roots In Kashmir

Hi All,

Please join hands with us:

My trust is not your right, but a privilege!

In the relationships these days, there is an ongoing debate on the element of “Trust”.

“You don’t trust me, how can you love me.” Commonly heard statement these days…
The root lies in the freedom of execution of one’s will. When we declare our independence in this world, we break away from the notions that are passed on to us as heritage.

But, I would try to argue that this is an illogical conclusion drawn on a fallacious premise, because Trust and Love are not interdependent.

I have come to accept myself as a possessive person when it comes to relationships, and it is not out of regret but out of pride. Because I consider controlled possessiveness an outcome of passionate attachment with somebody or something.

Today’s generation is complete contradiction to what it was 10 years back. Therefore, the definition of a man-woman relationship also becomes susceptible to change. However, I am not going to discuss on the new identity of our generation.

My focus lies on the commonly (ab)used term in relationships today: TRUST.

Well one of my girlfriends used to feel offended by my possessiveness because whenever I confronted her, she told me that I have a habit of overreacting and that ” I don’t ‘TRUST’ her…” so, “…how can I love her.”

But what she didn’t realize was that my lack of trust (was not my lack of feelings for her) but was a temporary insecurity induced by her actions. Isn’t it true that Actions do indeed speak louder than words! The reason for my being insecure was that I was hoping for a long term relationship and not a fling. Some of you might argue that had I trusted her I would have seen her acitons as acts of innocense. But to such people I would like to say, “Get real!” Because Trust in any relation has to be built by both the parties. And a lot of committment and effort is required by both sides to make that relationship based on trust to last long.

For instance, let’s take a relationship which is considered a sacred bond of love and mutual trust; that of parent and child. Although, the latter is born of the former, the trust between both the parties grows or diminshes based on their experience with each other over the time.

When you hear a mother say, “I know that my son/daughter can never be wrong.” It is based on the past experience. If a child has been a docile and emotionally moderate through the childhood, he is trusted more as he grows up to become an adult. However, a child who has thrown enough tantrums and is temperamental over small things never gains enough trust of his/her parents even as an adult because of the parents’ past experience with the child. Yet, we all know that parents love their children irrespective of what they are. Similarly, the kids who have experienced physical, mental or emotional abuse by their parents never tend to forgive them for it and thus can never trust them when in need. Nevertheless, a child always respects and adores his/her parents. And this true in most of the cases, let’s not get into the exceptions. So we see that trust and love are not interdependent, even in the most basic and primordial relationship.

Similarly, in a man woman relationship, both the parties need to work on building the trust in each other. I am sure you have been nagged by your partners and you have not liked certain characteristic of your significant other some time or the other, but the fact that you are still together is a proof enough that you are being loved by them.

Remember, don’t allow Trust to become the other person’s responsibility. People who use this trap on their loved one’s (a lot) are most of the times up to something. If you hear from your partner or think for your partner, “You don’t trust me. How can you love me?”, often that means, you/your partner are/is not happy in the relationship and want(s) to move out permanently or may be need(s) a break to think it over.

Well, this state doesn’t always signify that the person who is complaining about the trust is actually interested in somebody else or plainly not intrerested in you anymore, but I can tell you for sure that if it continues for long, he/she will certainly grow out of the relationship.

So, trust is not a baseline for love as is commonly believed. Trust is a baseline for feeling secure. Trust is a prerequisite for taking your relationship a step further but not for starting one because trust comes with time. You can fall in love with someon with or without trusting them. Because love is an emotional need, however, security is a physical and social need.

Hence whenever you are being pushed, remember to stand up for yourself, and say “My trust in is not your right, but a privilege!” And it (the privilege) holds good only until both the persons are committed to keeping that trust intact. However, it is also your responsibility to not to interpret your partner’s actions incorrectly or doubt them excessively. When you don’t understand your partner’s actions all you need to do is ask for an explanation with an open mind. And remember, asking for an explanation does not show a lack of trust. It is an indication that if the situation is not understood comprehensively and dealt with by both the parties, it could lead to decline in the mutual trust.

Remember, being curious and jealous in limits doesn’t make you an obssessive paranoid but a loving and caring partner. So don’t hesitate to confront your partner, coz if they are for real, they will never hide anything (significant) from you.

One more thing I would like to tell you, sometimes one needs to filter out the facts and doctor them based on the sensitivity of the situation, so to save yourself from extra burden and agony, stop being overly suspicious. Afterall what is the fun in living if you don’t have challenges to keep you occupied. And the challenge here is to anticipate your partner’s move without being nosy about it. And like for all other things in life, if you give it some time your relationship can shine through without your feeling the need to think about the mutual trust or the lack of it.

To reiterate, trust is a mutual agreement and it takes two to build it or destroy it.

Don’t take life too seriously.

Gibberish: For Whatever It Is Worth

HERE I am writting another poem,
Cause I am a poet, or at least I think I am.
Or what the hell, even if I am not?
I can write what I please,
And call it a special plot.
Outgrowth of my unnatural Imagination or Sycophancy,
For whatever it is worth.

HERE I am singing a song,
Of my eternal experiences of some five years and a score ,
Playing on the harp.What’s wrong and right?
To love and be wise, exceeds man’s might.
Let’s inflate the eternal love affair of our lives,
With The solitude of destinies.
Or The platitude.
And throw away our plight.
May be I am wrong…may be,right!
For whatever it is worth.

HERE I am making art out of naught.
And calling it my style.
Poets maketh nay Metre, Metre maketh them.
Bolstering the fog of pretense,
Clouding the world with deceit.
Perhaps not by design,
By accident,
But let’s stop it here and die.
For whatever it is worth.

She Is Pregnant

The fear of impregnation,
That anticipation of hue and cry.
For the feeblness of her existence,
Had no precedence of that accord.

The slowly rising infatuation,
Devil’s outcry.
The unpreparedness of her demeanure,
And lack of hope to live it through.

Left me so wanting to seed her with ecstasy,
But I dare not use the ploy,
It is unnecessary to reiterate it,
As she is pregnant,
Pregnant with joy.

Objectivism is the way of life!

The world portrayed by Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged can be real!

I come across people like Jim Taggart and Hank Rearden very often in my life. And I think that it is the same world around us that is slightly exaggerated in Atlas Shrugged only to highlight the significance of the point the author is trying to make, in an otherwise mundanely unobserving world.

I think, we all contain some fragments of one character or the other from Atlas Shrugged. It may be hard to accept since sometimes it may make us realize some of our negative traits, but actually we are all governed by the same basic rules defined by Ms. Rand.

Objectivism is the most puritanical way to life.